Risedle ETHUSDC Vault Fees
The fees associated with Risedle ETHUSDC Vault are as follow:
Profit Sharing Fees: Interest Sharing fees are charged when interest is accrued. These are currently set at 10% of the total interest paid to the rvETHUSDC holders.
Unlike any other yield-generating vaults, Risedle protocol doesn’t charge any Deposit Fees and Withdrawal Fees.
ETHRISE Leveraged Token Fees
The fees associated with Risedle Leveraged Tokens are as follow:
Mint Fees: Mint fees are charged when users choose to mint new Risedle Leveraged Tokens. These are currently set at 0.1% per mint;
Redemption Fees: Redemption fees are charged when users choose to redeem Risedle Leveraged Tokens. These are currently set at 0.1% per redemption;
Unlike other leveraged tokens, Risedle protocol doesn’t charge any Management Fees and Funding Fees.
Last updated