The architecture of the Fuse Leveraged Token
Fuse Leveraged Tokens have 4 core contracts:
FLT Factory: This contract responsible to create new FLT token that connected to specified Rari Fuse Pool, Uniswap Adapter and Oracle. Each type of FLT will have their own factory.
FLT: An ERC20 that represent 2x Long Position of specified collateral asset.
Uniswap Adapter: This contract responsible to abstract the flash swap and swap interaction between Uniswap V2 and Uniswap V3.
Rari Fuse Price Oracle Adapter: This contract responsible to provide the latest price of given collateral.
The end Users and Developers who want to integrate with Fuse Leveraged Token will interact directly with FLT contract.
Fuse Leveraged Token Types
There are three types of Fuse Leveraged Token:
RISE (2x Long): an ERC20 that represents 2x Long Position
HEDGE (1x Short): an ERC20 that represents 1x Short Position
DROP (2x Short): an ERC20 that represents 2x Short Position
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