Uniswap Adapters

The Uniswap Adapter for Fuse Leveraged Token

The Fuse Leveraged Tokens depends on the liquidity on the Uniswap (and the forks), the Uniswap Adapter abstract a way to interact with Uniswap V2 or Uniswap V3 in a simple interface.

 * @title Uniswap Adapter
 * @author bayu <[email protected]> <https://github.com/pyk>
 * @notice Utility contract to interact with Uniswap V2 & V3
interface IUniswapAdapter {
    /// ███ Types ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

     * @notice The supported Uniswap version
    enum UniswapVersion {

     * @notice Liquidity data for specified token
     * @param version The address of Rise Token
     * @param pair The Uniswap V2 pair address
     * @param pool The Uniswap V3 pool address
     * @param router The Uniswap router address
    struct LiquidityData {
        UniswapVersion version;
        IUniswapV2Pair pair;
        IUniswapV3Pool pool;
        address router;

     * @notice Parameters to do flash swap WETH->tokenOut
     * @param tokenOut The output token
     * @param caller The flash swap caller
     * @param liquidityData Liquidi
     * @param amountOut The amount of tokenOut that will be received by
     *        this contract
     * @param wethAmount The amount of WETH required to finish the flash swap
    struct FlashSwapWETHForExactTokensParams {
        IERC20 tokenOut;
        IUniswapAdapterCaller caller;
        LiquidityData liquidityData;
        uint256 amountOut;
        uint256 wethAmount;

    /// @notice Flash swap types
    enum FlashSwapType {

    /// ███ Events █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

     * @notice Event emitted when token is configured
     * @param liquidityData The liquidity data of the token
    event TokenConfigured(LiquidityData liquidityData);

     * @notice Event emitted when flash swap succeeded
     * @param params The flash swap params
    event FlashSwapped(FlashSwapWETHForExactTokensParams params);

    /// ███ Errors █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

    /// @notice Error is raised when owner use invalid uniswap version
    error InvalidUniswapVersion(uint8 version);

    /// @notice Error is raised when invalid amount
    error InvalidAmount(uint256 amount);

    /// @notice Error is raised when token is not configured
    error TokenNotConfigured(address token);

    /// @notice Error is raised when the callback is called by unkown pair/pool
    error CallerNotAuthorized();

    /// @notice Error is raised when the caller not repay the token
    error CallerNotRepay();

    /// @notice Error is raised when this contract receive invalid amount when flashswap
    error FlashSwapReceivedAmountInvalid(uint256 expected, uint256 got);

    /// ███ Owner actions ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████

     * @notice Configure the token
     * @param _token The ERC20 token
     * @param _version The Uniswap version (2 or 3)
     * @param _pairOrPool The contract address of the TOKEN/ETH pair or pool
     * @param _router The Uniswap V2 or V3 router address
    function configure(
        address _token,
        UniswapVersion _version,
        address _pairOrPool,
        address _router
    ) external;

    /// ███ Read-only functions ████████████████████████████████████████████████

     * @notice Returns true if token is configured
     * @param _token The token address
    function isConfigured(address _token) external view returns (bool);

    /// ███ Adapters ███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████

     * @notice Borrow exact amount of tokenOut and repay it with WETH.
     *         The Uniswap Adapter will call msg.sender#onFlashSwapWETHForExactTokens.
     * @param _tokenOut The address of ERC20 that swapped
     * @param _amountOut The exact amount of tokenOut that will be received by the caller
    function flashSwapWETHForExactTokens(
        address _tokenOut,
        uint256 _amountOut,
        bytes memory _data
    ) external;

     * @notice Swaps an exact amount of input tokenIn for as many WETH as possible
     * @param _tokenIn tokenIn address
     * @param _amountIn The amount of tokenIn
     * @param _amountOutMin The minimum amount of WETH to be received
     * @return _amountOut The WETH amount received
    function swapExactTokensForWETH(
        address _tokenIn,
        uint256 _amountIn,
        uint256 _amountOutMin
    ) external returns (uint256 _amountOut);

     * @notice Swaps an exact amount of WETH for as few tokenIn as possible.
     * @param _tokenIn tokenIn address
     * @param _wethAmount The amount of tokenIn
     * @param _amountInMax The minimum amount of WETH to be received
     * @return _amountIn The WETH amount received
    function swapTokensForExactWETH(
        address _tokenIn,
        uint256 _wethAmount,
        uint256 _amountInMax
    ) external returns (uint256 _amountIn);

     * @notice Swaps an exact amount of WETH for tokenOut
     * @param _tokenOut tokenOut address
     * @param _wethAmount The amount of WETH
     * @param _amountOutMin The minimum amount of WETH to be received
     * @return _amountOut The WETH amount received
    function swapExactWETHForTokens(
        address _tokenOut,
        uint256 _wethAmount,
        uint256 _amountOutMin
    ) external returns (uint256 _amountOut);


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